Beth Jacob Has Gone Virtual
ZOOM now requires either a passcode or a "waiting room" for all Zoom meetings. The vast majority of our classes are currently set to the "waiting room" option. Please be patient as you wait for the presenter to grant each person access to the room. Thank you.
Sponsor a class:
Please consider sponsoring a Day of Davening or Learning (suggested minimum $54), an individual Davening service and/or Class in honor or memory of someone (Suggested minimum of $18). Go to and scroll to the ZOOM choices. If you don't see a particular service or class listed, please choose General Donation and write what it's for in the Notes box.
Beth Jacob ZOOM Rooms
- Daf Yomi (Monday-Friday 6:15am and Sunday 7:00am): Contact us for passcode
- Thursdays 7:30pm "Insights into the Weekly Parsha" with Rabbi Bogopulsky: : Passcode-Torah
YOUTH- More information forthcoming.
Tue, March 11 2025 11 Adar 5785